Enhancing Customer experience through diverse customisations options

Enhancing Customer experience through diverse customisations options

At present our website provides customers with a single single customisation feature allowing them to switch between light mode and dark mode.

Recognising the diverse needs of our customer,I propose the integration of an array of customisations options to elevate the browsing experience

1) Feature flag customisations:

Empowering customers with the ability to toggle features flags, offering a personalised experience based on their preference and needs.

2) Page Customisation:

Provide customers with flexibility to tailor the customer interface according to their specific requirements. This includes option to hide certain data or buttons.

3) Multi lingual support:

Foster a global user community by incorporating language customisation, enabling customers to seamlessly switch between languages. this ensures our website is accessible and appealing to a international audience.

4) Dynamic Visualisation options:

Elevate data presentation by allowing customers to choose from various visualisations formats such as pie charts, bar plots and more. this empowers customers to consume data in a way that best suits their preferences.

By implementing these customisable features, we aim to cater the unique preferences of our customers fostering a more engaging and personalised customer experience.

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  • Feb 28 2024
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